Arigna Mining Experience has received the Fáilte Ireland Covid 19 Safety Charter.
The COVID-19 Safety Charter is an initiative to reinforce a safety confidence in the customer in Tourism businesses. The Charter is designed to give comfort and reassurance to us as employers, our employees and you our customers that our business is operating safely.
By us signing up to this Charter, we all are agreeing to follow the recommended guidelines specific to our business.
To ensure we were eligible to sign up to the COVID-19 Safety Charter, we agreed to adhere to the official guidelines for re-opening and operating our business and ensured that all our employees took the official Infection Prevention Control for Tourism Businesses Course and have the received the certification.
Our promise to you is to do our best to keep you safe to enjoy our beautiful park and facilities. We have provided sanitizing points; queue systems and socially distanced facilities and all our staff have all the required PPE. All we ask is that you use the sanitizers, wear your mask as needed, adhere to the directional signage and always remain socially distanced.